
71 search results

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  1. Speech by Prime Minister Rutte at commemoration Sobibór camp uprising in Poland

    Speech by Mark Rutte at the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the prisoner uprising at Sobibór extermination camp.

    Speech | 12-10-2023

  2. Russia: Media Freedom Coalition statement

    The members of the Media Freedom Coalition express their deep concern about the Russian government’s intensifying harassment of ...

    Diplomatic statement | 29-10-2021

  3. Political Declaration of the Ministerial Ukraine Accountability Conference

    Statement by the representatives of Governments of Albania, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Colombia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Bulgaria, ...

    Diplomatic statement | 14-07-2022

  4. Speech by Minister Wopke Hoekstra at the Center for Strategic and International Studies

    Speech by Wopke Hoekstra, Minister of Foreign Affairs, at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, on 14 April 2022.

    Speech | 14-04-2022

  5. Dancing with data at DISCO

    In a world challenged by fake news, disinformation, and Artificial Intelligence, the Netherlands partnered with Slovenian NGO ...

    Blog post | 02-11-2023 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  6. Feminist foreign policy explained

    The Netherlands is keen to reduce inequality and to achieve gender and LBGTIQ+ equality all over the world, so the Ministry of ...

    News item | 18-11-2022 | 13:13

  7. The Hague Commitment to increase the Safety of Journalists

    Diplomatic statement | 09-12-2020

  8. Voices of Hope: Hungarian Activists Fighting for LGBTQI+ Rights

    Meet Zsolt Virág and Eszter Mihály - two passionate human rights activists from Hungary who are fighting for LGBTQI+ rights in ...

    Blog post | 17-05-2023 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  9. Syria: international sanctions authorities

    International Sanctions Authorities

    Leaflet | 10-12-2012

  10. The Netherlands arms export policy in 2005

    Original title: Jaarrapport Nederlands wapenexportbeleid 2005 Tweede Kamer, vergaderjaar 2006-2007 Kamerstuk 22 054, nr.108 June ...

    Annual report | 01-06-2005