
60 search results

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  1. European Centre for Development Policy Management – Institutional Evaluation, 2012-2016

    European Centre for Development Policy Management – Institutional Evaluation, 2012-2016.

    Report | 25-02-2016

  2. IOB – Renewable energy – Policy review on the Dutch contribution to renewable energy and development (2004-2014) – Summary report

    For decades, Dutch development cooperation has paid attention to renewable sources of energy in the context of development ...

    Report | 01-08-2015

  3. List of participants conference No More Food To Waste

    Publication | 23-06-2015

  4. No More Food To Waste - case study brochure

    Publication | 12-06-2015

  5. IOB Study - Achieving universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights

    This report presents the findings of a desk-study of the results of multilateral organisations in the field of sexual and ...

    Report | 12-02-2014

  6. IOB - Impact Evaluation of Improved Cooking Stoves in Burkina Faso

    Report | 18-11-2013

  7. IOB Study - NGOs in action: a study of activities in sexual and reproductive health and rights by Dutch NGOs

    This report presents the findings of a desk-study of the work of Dutch non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in the field of ...

    Report | 02-09-2013

  8. Representations: Senegal


  9. IOB Study - Renewable Energy. Access and Impact. A systematic literature review of the impact on livelihoods of interventions providing access to renewable energy in developing countries.

    Report | 01-03-2013

  10. What is the list of safe countries of origin?

    Some asylum seekers who come to the Netherlands are from safe countries of origin. To process asylum applications faster, the ...

    Question and answer