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  1. Reception of refugees from Ukraine


  2. Aims and effects of sanctions against Russia and Belarus

    The European Union (EU) imposed sanctions on Russia in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The EU is also imposing ...

  3. What can households and businesses do to reduce their energy use?

    Everyone can do their part to use less energy at home or at the office and reduce our dependence on Russian gas.

  4. The Netherlands’ position

    What is the Netherlands’ position about the situation in Ukraine?

  5. War in Ukraine

    On this page you can find news, relevant documents and answers to frequently asked questions about developments in Russia and ...


  6. Reducing dependence on Russia

    The Netherlands wants to be less dependent on Russian gas. At the same time the government wants to make sure that the ...

  7. Implementation of sanctions against Russia and Belarus by the Netherlands

    Various organisations in the Netherlands are working together to implement and enforce the sanctions against Russia and Belarus.

  8. The criminal investigation

    A special team, known as the Joint Investigation Team (JIT), was established to conduct the criminal investigation. The JIT ...

  9. Russia: Media Freedom Coalition statement

    The members of the Media Freedom Coalition express their deep concern about the Russian government’s intensifying harassment of ...

    Diplomatic statement | 29-10-2021

  10. Care and support for refugees from Ukraine