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  1. National Risk Assessment of the Kingdom of the Netherlands 2022

    This National Risk Assessment (NRA) describes threats that could disrupt Dutch society.

    Report | 26-09-2022

  2. Annual Report International Human Rights Proceedings (2021)

    Report on the Netherlands’ involvement in international human rights proceedings in 2021.

    Report | 08-09-2022

  3. Letter to the parliament on the international legal order in cyberspace

    Letter of 5 July 2019 from the Minister of Foreign Affairs to the President of the House of Representatives on the international ...

    Parliamentary document: Letter to the Parliament | 26-09-2019

  4. Human Rights Report 2015

    The Human Rights Report 2015 is structured as follows. Chapter 1 looks at the forums where the Netherlands is active in the field ...

    Report | 01-12-2016

  5. User guide on strategic goods and services

    The User Guide on Strategic Goods and Services is designed principally as a reference guide – in particular for exporters, ...

    Directive | 09-04-2013

  6. The Netherlands arms export policy in 2009

    Original title: Jaarrapport Nederlands wapenexportbeleid 2008,Tweede Kamer, vergaderjaar 2009-2010, Kamerstuk 22 054, nr.159, 23 ...

    Annual report | 04-11-2011

  7. Government programme foreign policy

    The Schoof government programme elaborates on the framework coalition agreement. The programme will help the government carry out ...

    Publication | 13-09-2024

  8. Invitation letters for repeat COVID-19 vaccination in different languages

    Example letters that contain information about a repeat vaccination against the coronavirus (COVID-19). The letter explains how ...

    Letter | 23-09-2022

  9. Flyer for undocumented people about vaccination against COVID-19

    Undocumented people have specific questions about the vaccination against COVID-19. This leaflet answers some of these questions. ...

    Leaflet | 06-07-2021

  10. Churchill Lecture by Prime Minister Mark Rutte, Europa Institut at the University of Zurich

    The EU: from the power of principles towards principles and power

    Speech | 13-02-2019