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  1. Letter from State Secretary for Finance Hans Vijlbrief to the House of Representatives on the unilateral termination of the double tax treaty between the Netherlands and the Russian Federation.

    The State Secretary for Finance Hans Vijlbrief has sent a letter to the House of Representatives on the unilateral termination of ...

    Parliamentary document: Letter to the Parliament | 07-06-2021

  2. The Equal Rights Coalition on the ban on the discussion and sharing of information about LGBTIQ+ people and their human rights in the Russian Federation

    The Equal Rights Coalition expresses grave concerns about the legislation to broaden the ban on any discussion and sharing of ...

    Diplomatic statement | 24-11-2022

  3. Foreign minister Hoekstra’s response to Russian attack on Ukraine

    'The Netherlands strongly condemns the Russian attack on Ukraine,' Minister of Foreign Affairs Wopke Hoekstra has said. 'This is ...

    News item | 24-02-2022 | 13:16

  4. Country of origin information report Russian Federation

    This country of origin information report (COI report) describes the situation in the Russian Federation insofar as it is ...

    Directive | 31-03-2023

  5. Information about the Netherlands’ position on the situation in Russia and Ukraine (in Russian)

    This document contains answers to the most frequently asked questions about the Netherlands’ position on the situation in Russia ...

    Publication | 02-02-2022

  6. Teeven takes measures after Dolmatov inspectorate report (Russian)

    Пресс - релиз : Тевен принимает меры в результате доклада Инспекции по делу Долматова

    Publication | 12-04-2013

  7. Summary, conclusions and recommendations (in Russian)

    Смерть Александра Долматова.

    Publication | 12-04-2013

  8. Government reaction (in Russian)

    Расследование обстоятельств смерти господина Долматова в центре содержания заключенных Роттердама.

    Publication | 12-04-2013

  9. Translations getting proof of vaccination after being vaccinated abroad (French, Turkish, Arabic, Farsi, Russian)

    You need proof of vaccination. Most people won't have any trouble retrieving their data via the CoronaCheck app or ...

    Publication | 16-03-2022

  10. Sanctions against Russia and Belarus

    In response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the countries of the European Union (EU) have imposed sanctions on Russia and ...