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  1. Flyer for undocumented people about vaccination against COVID-19

    Undocumented people have specific questions about the vaccination against COVID-19. This leaflet answers some of these questions. ...

    Leaflet | 06-07-2021

  2. Country of origin information report Syria June 2021

    This country of origin information report describes the situation in Syria insofar as this is important for the assessment of ...

    Report | 14-06-2021

  3. Letter from State Secretary for Finance Hans Vijlbrief to the House of Representatives on the unilateral termination of the double tax treaty between the Netherlands and the Russian Federation.

    The State Secretary for Finance Hans Vijlbrief has sent a letter to the House of Representatives on the unilateral termination of ...

    Parliamentary document: Letter to the Parliament | 07-06-2021

  4. Statement of the Equal Rights Coalition on the serious Human Rights Violations and Abuses against LGBTI Individuals in the Chechen Republic of the Russian Federation

    Statement of the Equal Rights Coalition on Human Rights Violations and Abuses against LGBTI in the Chechen Republic of the ...

    Diplomatic statement | 19-04-2021

  5. General Country of Origin Information Report for the Russian Federation (April 2021)

    This general country of origin information report describes the situation in the Russian Federation insofar as it is relevant to ...

    Report | 12-04-2021

  6. The Netherlands’ Polar Strategy 2021-2025: Prepared for change

    In the new Polar Strategy, the Dutch government sets out how the Netherlands intends to continue contributing to the protection ...

    Publication | 01-03-2021

  7. Exploring data sharing obligations in the technology sector

    Data are increasingly important for both the economy and society. There's discussion, both nationally and internationally, about ...

    Report | 30-11-2020

  8. The Netherlands welcomes European and international efforts to address malicious cyber operations

    The Netherlands welcomes today’s EU decision to list two Russian individuals and one Russian organization under the EU Cyber ...

    Diplomatic statement | 22-10-2020

  9. Final Report Dutch Coal Covenant 2020

    This is the final report of the ‘Covenant in respect of improvements in the coal supply chain’ (the “Covenant”). The goal, for ...

    Report | 28-09-2020

  10. Speech by Minister Stef Blok at Beyond Duty – Visas for Life event

    Speech by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Stef Blok, at Beyond Duty – Visas for Life event on 24 September 2020.

    Speech | 24-09-2020