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  1. The Netherlands provides equipment and parts to Ukraine to help repair its energy infrastructure

    This winter the Netherlands is supporting Ukraine by providing a shipment of materials so the country can repair crucial energy ...

    News item | 08-12-2022 | 18:02

  2. Speech by Minister Hoekstra at the Human Rights Tulip 2022 ceremony

    Speech by Minister of Foreign Affairs Wopke Hoekstra at the Human Rights Tulip 2022 ceremony in the Peace Palace, The Hague on 8 ...

    Speech | 08-12-2022

  3. Human Rights Report 2021

    The Netherlands’ international human rights policy: efforts and results.

    Report | 06-12-2022

  4. The Equal Rights Coalition on the ban on the discussion and sharing of information about LGBTIQ+ people and their human rights in the Russian Federation

    The Equal Rights Coalition expresses grave concerns about the legislation to broaden the ban on any discussion and sharing of ...

    Diplomatic statement | 24-11-2022

  5. Joint Statement on the Establishment of a Strategic Partnership between the Government of the Republic of Korea and the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

    His Excellency Yoon Suk Yeol, President of the Republic of Korea (hereinafter referred to as “the ROK”) and His Excellency Mark ...

    Diplomatic statement | 23-11-2022

  6. Speech by Wopke Hoekstra at the North Sea Neighbours Conference

    Speech by Wopke Hoekstra, Minister of Foreign Affairs, at the North Sea Neighbours Conference in London, 16 November 2022. The ...

    Speech | 16-11-2022

  7. Joint Statement on Foreign, Development and Security bilateral cooperation between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands

    Joint Statement on Foreign, Development and Security bilateral cooperation between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and ...

    Diplomatic statement | 16-11-2022

  8. Human Rights Tulip 2022: this is the shortlist

    Each year the Ministry of Foreign Affairs awards a human rights defender somewhere in the world a prize: the Human Rights Tulip. ...

    News item | 21-10-2022 | 09:27

  9. Policy Document for Foreign Trade and Development: Do what we do best

    In the coming years, the Netherlands will invest more in the combination of foreign trade and development cooperation. This is ...

    Policy note | 10-10-2022

  10. Minister Harbers spoke at the 41st ICAO Assembly in Montreal, September 27, 2022

    Minister Harbers spoke at the 41st ICAO Assembly about the sustainable challenges for the aviation industry: ‘At this Assembly, I ...

    Speech | 28-09-2022