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  1. Joint statement reaffirming the importance of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR)

    Together with 81 other countries, the Kingdom of the Netherlands co-sponsored a joint statement reaffirming the critical ...

    Diplomatic statement | 01-10-2020

  2. Ostend Declaration on the North Sea as Europe's Green Power Plant

    Ostend Declaration of Energy Ministers on the North Sea as Europe's Green Power Plant, delivering cross-border projects, and ...

    Diplomatic statement | 24-04-2023

  3. The Netherlands’ Polar Strategy 2021-2025: Prepared for change

    In the new Polar Strategy, the Dutch government sets out how the Netherlands intends to continue contributing to the protection ...

    Publication | 01-03-2021

  4. Joint statement of the Alliance for multilateralism

    The COVID-19 pandemic is a wake-up call for multilateralism. Trying to cope with the immediate devastating effects of the virus, ...

    Diplomatic statement | 17-04-2020

  5. Dutch aid for Ukraine

    The Netherlands is supporting Ukraine by providing emergency aid funds, medicines and aid supplies.

  6. Joint Statement on the 30th Anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development

    Joint Statement at the UN General Assembly Meeting to mark the 30th Anniversary of the International Conference on Population and ...

    Diplomatic statement | 30-04-2024

  7. North Seas conference in The Hague: from national goals to concrete joint action for offshore wind energy

    Today, the North Seas countries make a leap forward in the Hague to progress the offshore wind energy agenda. A shared Action ...

    News item | 20-11-2023 | 13:31

  8. Statement on reducing space threats through norms, rules, and principles of responsible behavior

    Joint Statement in support of the United Nations Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) on reducing space threats through norms, rules, ...

    Diplomatic statement | 28-08-2023

  9. ‘Cause for concern: court cases against cartoonists in Europe’

    More than 500 cartoonists from around the world have joined the online platform Cartoon Movement. Besides promoting professional ...

    Blog post | 16-03-2023 | Humans of press freedom

  10. Likeminded Member States’ Joint Statement at the 55th Commission on Population and Development

    Joint Statement on the occasion of the 55th session of the UN Commission on Population and Development (CPD) delivered by H.E ...

    Diplomatic statement | 29-04-2022