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  1. As a foreign employer, for which occasional work do I not need to provide notification of my workers?

    There are several types of occasional work for which you do not need to provide notification of your workers. However, these ...

    Question and answer

  2. As a foreign self-employed person, can I work in the Netherlands?

    You can work in the Netherlands as a self-employed person under certain conditions.

    Question and answer

  3. One Point of Single Contact for service providers

    The EU Services Directive makes it easier for service providers to operate in other EU countries. They can organise everything ...

  4. How can I apply for a patent?

    If you want to patent an invention, process or product, you should submit an application to the Netherlands Patent Office. In ...

    Question and answer

  5. What does the EU Services Directive mean for public authorities?

    Service providers are free to locate to the Netherlands or temporarily offer services here. They can deal with different ...

    Question and answer

  6. Why the Kingdom of the Netherlands concludes treaties

    The Koninkrijk der Nederlanden (Kingdom of the Netherlands) concludes treaties as a way of making agreements with other states, ...

  7. Dutch goals within the EU

    The Netherlands aims to raise the EU ambition for 2030 from 40% to 55% emission reduction.

  8. Five northern European countries conclude international arrangements on transport and storage of carbon across borders

    A European infrastructure for carbon capture and storage is underway. Today, arrangements between Denmark, Norway, Belgium, the ...

    News item | 15-04-2024 | 18:00

  9. New requirements to pass the external borders of Europe: EES

    On 10 November 2024 all Schengen countries will start using the automatic Entry/Exit system (EES). This digital system will ...

  10. Applying for a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)

    With an European Health Insurance Card you can obtain essential medical care in many countries with an EHIC. You can apply to ...