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  1. Energy Report Transition to sustainable energy

    Summary of the Energy Report of the Netherlands. This Energy Report provides a long term and comprehensive vision of the energy ...

    Report | 28-04-2016

  2. How can I apply for a patent?

    If you want to patent an invention, process or product, you should submit an application to the Netherlands Patent Office. In ...

    Question and answer

  3. What does the EU Services Directive mean for my business?

    If you do business in another EU member state, the EU Services Directive probably applies to you. The Directive applies to almost ...

    Question and answer

  4. What does the EU Services Directive mean for public authorities?

    Service providers are free to locate to the Netherlands or temporarily offer services here. They can deal with different ...

    Question and answer

  5. Summary of Medicines Plan

    Report | 26-02-2016

  6. Questions and answers – Addressing Root Causes Fund – second batch, 12 February 2016

    Form | 12-02-2016

  7. As an EU citizen, how can I stay in the Netherlands for longer than three months?

    As a national of an EU country, you can stay in the Netherlands for as long as you wish. You do not require a residence permit, ...

    Question and answer

  8. Policy Document on the North Sea 2016-2021 (webversie)

    Including the Netherlands’ Maritime Spatial Plan appendix 2 to the National Water Plan 2016-2021.

    Policy note | 15-12-2015

  9. Annual report on the Netherlands arms export policy 2014

    This report of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, discusses the instruments, procedures and underlying principles of Dutch arms ...

    Report | 01-11-2015

  10. End-Term Evaluation of UNDP Civil Society Democratic Governance Facility

    United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) – End-Term Evaluation of UNDP Civil Society Democratic Governance Facility – Amkeni ...

    Report | 01-07-2015