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  1. EKN Engagement Strategy for Cabo Delgado

    The Cabo Delgado province will transform due to the gas explorations. If this transformation is includive, sustainable, divers ...

    Report | 31-03-2018

  2. Defence White Paper 2018

    The Ministry of Defence presents a white paper which constitutes a starting point for strengthening trust in the Defence ...

    Policy note | 26-03-2018

  3. Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway ('s-Gravenhage)


  4. One Point of Single Contact for service providers

    The EU Services Directive makes it easier for service providers to operate in other EU countries. They can organise everything ...

  5. Highly skilled migrants

    Highly skilled migrants come to the Netherlands to make a contribution to the knowledge economy. If they hold the nationality of ...

  6. Dutch arms export policy in 2016

    Report by the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation and the Minister of Foreign Affairs on the export of ...

    Report | 01-05-2017

  7. Country of Origin Report on Eritrea February 2017

    This Dutch COI report describes the current situation in Eritrea insofar as it is relevant to the assessment of asylum ...

    Report | 06-02-2017

  8. Human Rights Report 2015

    The Human Rights Report 2015 is structured as follows. Chapter 1 looks at the forums where the Netherlands is active in the field ...

    Report | 01-12-2016

  9. Annual Report on the Netherlands arms export policy 2015

    This report of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, discusses the instruments, procedures and underlying principles of Dutch arms ...

    Report | 01-06-2016

  10. Design and Tender Advice for the South Sudan Civil Society Fund

    Integrity Research and Consultancy (Integrity) was contracted by the Netherlands Embassy in South Sudan to revisit the existing ...

    Report | 05-05-2016