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  1. Syria - individuals and entities comparison chart

    Syria-related Designations - Persons

    Leaflet | 10-12-2012

  2. Annual Report on the Netherlands arms export policy 2012

    This report of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, discusses the instruments, procedures and underlying principles of Dutch arms ...

    Report | 11-11-2012

  3. Annual report on the Netherlands Arms Export Policy in 2010

    The Annual Report summarises the principles and procedures of the Netherlands arms export policy for the relevant year ...

    Report | 20-03-2012

  4. The Netherlands arms export policy in 2003

    Published by: The Ministry of Economic Affairs and The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague, The Netherlands Original title: ...

    Annual report | 09-11-2011

  5. The Netherlands arms export policy in 2007

    Original title: Jaarrapport Nederlands wapenexportbeleid 2007 Tweede Kamer, vergaderjaar 2007-2008 Kamerstuk 22 054, nr.140

    Annual report | 04-11-2011

  6. The Netherlands arms export policy in 2009

    Original title: Jaarrapport Nederlands wapenexportbeleid 2008,Tweede Kamer, vergaderjaar 2009-2010, Kamerstuk 22 054, nr.159, 23 ...

    Annual report | 04-11-2011

  7. The Netherlands arms export policy in 2005

    Original title: Jaarrapport Nederlands wapenexportbeleid 2005 Tweede Kamer, vergaderjaar 2006-2007 Kamerstuk 22 054, nr.108 June ...

    Annual report | 01-06-2005

  8. Programme grant Strengthening the Humanitarian Sector 2024-2027

    On the 9th of October 2023, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs published a call for grant proposals for the programme “Strengthening ...

    Decree | 09-10-2023

  9. Safety for Voices grant policy framework 2022-2027

    Safety for Voices has the following policy objective: greater safety, both online and offline, for human rights defenders and ...

    Policy note | 26-04-2022

  10. Advice on strengthening NL polar research and exploration of possibilities for a NL Polar Centre

    The aim of this study is to advise on how to strengthen Netherlands polar research and to explore the possibilities for a polar ...

    Report | 20-04-2022