
18 search results

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  1. Do I need a residence permit if I want to stay in the Netherlands for a long period of time?

    If you want to stay in the Netherlands for longer than 90 days and you are not a national of an EU country, Liechtenstein, ...

    Question and answer

  2. Embassy of the Principality of Monaco (Brussel)


  3. Representations: Monaco


  4. Human Rights Report 2014

    Report | 26-02-2016

  5. Syria: international sanctions authorities

    International Sanctions Authorities

    Leaflet | 10-12-2012

  6. Syria - individuals and entities comparison chart

    Syria-related Designations - Persons

    Leaflet | 10-12-2012

  7. Syria - individuals and entities comparison chart 2

    Syria-related Designations - Entities

    Leaflet | 10-12-2012

  8. Syria actions overview

    Overview of Syria-related Actions.

    Leaflet | 10-12-2012

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