
91 search results

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  1. Pay scales for local employees 2021 (in Dutch)

    This information is referred to in the Grant policy framework Safety for Voices, in threshold criterion 4 paragraph C (D.4 C).

    Publication | 26-04-2022

  2. Statement at the General Debate of the 55th Commission on Population and Development

    Statement by the Kingdom of the Netherlands at the General Debate of the 55th Commission on Population and Development.

    Diplomatic statement | 26-04-2022

  3. Opening Statement minister Hoekstra Ministerial Meeting of the Media Freedom Coalition – Global Conference for Media Freedom Coalition 2022

    Opening Statement by minister Hoekstra at the Ministerial Meeting of the Media Freedom Coalition – Global Conference for Media ...

    Speech | 09-02-2022

  4. ERC Statement on COVID-19 and the Human Rights of LGBTI Persons

    The undersigned members of the Equal Rights Coalition (ERC) call on all governments to limit the repercussions of the COVID-19 ...

    Diplomatic statement | 17-05-2020

  5. Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Initiative - 11th High-level Meeting Joint High-level Statement

    Joint statement by the Member States of the Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Initiative (NPDI) – Australia, Canada, Chile, ...

    Diplomatic statement | 02-08-2022

  6. Letter of 13 May 2022 from the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation to the Senate on the added value for the Netherlands of a feminist foreign policy

    Letter by Ministers Wopke Hoekstra (Foreign Affairs) and Liesje Schreinemacher (Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation) to ...

    Letter | 17-05-2022

  7. Speech by Human Rights Ambassador Bahia Tahzib-Lie on 10 years Shelter City

    Opening speech of the Dutch Human Rights Ambassador, Bahia Tahzib-Lie on the 10th Anniversary of the Dutch Shelter City Program. ...

    Speech | 22-04-2022

  8. Protecting Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Promoting Gender-responsiveness in the COVID-19 crisis

    We, the Ministers of South Africa, Sweden, Argentina, Australia, Albania, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cabo Verde, ...

    Diplomatic statement | 06-05-2020

  9. Joint Statement on the 30th Anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development

    Joint Statement at the UN General Assembly Meeting to mark the 30th Anniversary of the International Conference on Population and ...

    Diplomatic statement | 30-04-2024

  10. Statement on reducing space threats through norms, rules, and principles of responsible behavior

    Joint Statement in support of the United Nations Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) on reducing space threats through norms, rules, ...

    Diplomatic statement | 28-08-2023