
91 search results

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  1. Shaping Feminist Foreign Policy Conference 2023

    The Netherlands organised an international conference on feminist foreign policy: the Shaping Feminist Foreign Policy Conference ...

  2. SFFP 2023 conference programme

    This booklet contains the programme of the Shaping Feminist Foreign Policy Conference 2023, 1-2 November in the World Forum in ...

    Publication | 13-11-2023

  3. Substance and inspiration at the Shaping Feminist Foreign Policy Conference

    Knowledge and inspiration, new connections, practical guidance and renewed energy for creating robust feminist foreign policy: ...

    News item | 09-11-2023 | 12:29

  4. Programme grant Contributing to Peaceful and Safe Societies 2024-2031

    On the 9th of November 2023, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs published a call for proposals for the grant programme “Contributing ...

    Decree | 09-11-2023

  5. Speech Minister Bruins Slot at the Shaping Feminist Foreign Policy Conference

    Speech by Hanke Bruins Slot, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, at the Shaping Feminist Foreign ...

    Speech | 02-11-2023

  6. Programme grant Strengthening the Humanitarian Sector 2024-2027

    On the 9th of October 2023, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs published a call for grant proposals for the programme “Strengthening ...

    Decree | 09-10-2023

  7. Political Declaration on Feminist Approaches to Foreign Policy

    Political declaration on feminist approaches to foreign policy by representatives of governments of countries of the Feminist ...

    Diplomatic statement | 20-09-2023

  8. Statement on reducing space threats through norms, rules, and principles of responsible behavior

    Joint Statement in support of the United Nations Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) on reducing space threats through norms, rules, ...

    Diplomatic statement | 28-08-2023

  9. Expected economic effects of the EU Free Trade Agreements with Chile, Mexico, and New Zealand

    The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) commissioned SEO Amsterdam Economics (SEO) to assess the potential economic impact of ...

    Report | 26-07-2023

  10. A Review of experience and recommendations for National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans and National Biodiversity Finance Plans

    A Review of experience and recommendations for National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans and National Biodiversity ...

    Report | 17-07-2023