
143 search results

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  1. Syria - individuals and entities comparison chart 2

    Syria-related Designations - Entities

    Leaflet | 10-12-2012

  2. Dutch arms export policy in 2016

    Report by the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation and the Minister of Foreign Affairs on the export of ...

    Report | 01-05-2017

  3. Annual Report on the Netherlands arms export policy 2015

    This report of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, discusses the instruments, procedures and underlying principles of Dutch arms ...

    Report | 01-06-2016

  4. Speech Minister Van der Wal for Nature and Nitrogen Policy at the opening of the International Economy Week 30 October 2023, The Hague

    Speech | 30-10-2023

  5. Speech by Prime Minister Mark Rutte at the opening of the NATO seminar ‘Stronger Together – NATO’s Partnerships’

    Speech by Prime Minister Mark Rutte at the opening of the NATO seminar ‘Stronger Together – NATO’s Partnerships’, World Forum, ...

    Speech | 23-02-2022

  6. The Hague Commitment to increase the Safety of Journalists

    Diplomatic statement | 09-12-2020

  7. Annual Report on the Netherlands arms export policy 2013

    This report of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, discusses the instruments, procedures and underlying principles of Dutch arms ...

    Report | 01-07-2014

  8. The Netherlands arms export policy in 2006

    Original title: Jaarrapport Nederlands wapenexportbeleid 2006 Tweede Kamer, vergaderjaar 2006-2007 Kamerstuk 22 054, nr.126 13 ...

    Annual report | 09-11-2011

  9. Q&A's subsidy framework Contributing to Peaceful and Safe Societies 2024-2031

    Questions and answers on the Grant Policy Framework ‘Contributing to peaceful and safe societies 2024-2031’ (will be updated ...

    Question and answer

  10. Appendix III (Safety for Voices): Corporate rates

    Information for applicants/lead parties and co-applicants established in EU member states that do not use the euro and for ...

    Publication | 01-06-2022