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  1. End evaluation of the MFA-NL-supported NCEA programme 2017-2022

    The Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment (NCEA) is an independent advisory body to improve (Strategic) ...

    Report | 31-10-2022

  2. Dutch efforts in the Sahel (English)

    The Sahel is one of the Dutch focus regions for development cooperation. This leaflet summarizes why, where and how The ...

    Leaflet | 18-11-2020

  3. Trends in Climate Finance: Background Report for Policymakers

    This report discusses trends in climate finance and makes recommendations to improve the methodologies for measuring the ...

    Report | 16-06-2022

  4. Final Evaluation of The Netherlands Trust Fund (NTF) Phase IV-Export Sector Competitiveness Programme

    Evaluation of the Netherlands Trust Fund (NTF) - Phase IV Export Sector Competitiveness Programme.

    Report | 01-04-2022

  5. Mid-Term Evaluation of Mine Action and Cluster Munitions Programme II

    Publication | 01-05-2024

  6. IOB-study - Corporate Social Responsibility: the role of public policy

    A systematic literature review of the effects of government supported interventions on the corporate social responsibility (CSR) ...

    Report | 14-05-2013

  7. Study Report DSO Strategy Reproductive Health Commodities

    The main challenge in supply chain management for reproductive health commodities (RHCs) is related to last mile distribution. ...

    Report | 31-07-2020

  8. Annual Report International Human Rights Proceedings (2022)

    Report on the Netherlands’ involvement in international human rights proceedings in 2022.

    Report | 20-09-2023

  9. General Country of Origin Information Report Nigeria (January 2023)

    This general country of origin information report describes the situation in Nigeria insofar as it is relevant to the assessment ...

    Directive | 31-01-2023

  10. List of participants conference No More Food To Waste

    Publication | 23-06-2015