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  1. Reducing dependence on Russia

    The Netherlands wants to be less dependent on Russian gas. At the same time the government wants to make sure that the ...

  2. International efforts to combat crime that undermines society

    An international approach is needed to make organised crime in Western Europe less attractive. Criminals pay no attention to ...

  3. Agriculture and horticulture

    The Netherlands is one of the world’s largest agricultural producers, exporting vegetables, fruit, flowers, meat and dairy ...

  4. REAIM 2023 Endorsing Countries and Territories

    The listed countries underline the need to put the responsible use of AI higher on the political agenda and to further promote ...

    Publication | 21-02-2023

  5. The nitrogen strategy and the transformation of the rural areas

    Excessive nitrogen deposition in the Netherlands has been a problem for many years. It is harmful for both nature and public ...

  6. Environmental Risk Management

    As the production, trade and use of chemicals increases worldwide so too does concern about their harmful effects. In an effort ...

  7. Tackling population decline

    The three main thrusts of the government's approach to population decline are housing, facilities and economic activity.

  8. More international cooperation on North Sea arrangements

    Today, countries around the North Sea have agreed to use and protect this sea more efficiently. Until now, countries mainly ...

    News item | 21-11-2023 | 15:00

  9. Joint declaration of intent

    Joint declaration of intent in relation to further energy co-operation regarding grids and electricity transmission.

    Parliamentary document | 19-05-2020

  10. Joint statement on Iraq’s early elections

    In this joint statement the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, ...

    Diplomatic statement | 06-10-2021