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  1. Government’s response to the report from SEO Economics Amsterdam on Other Financial Institutions and the IBFD report on developing countries

    The State Secretary for Finance promised  the Lower House that at the end of the summer we would send a letter containing the ...

    Parliamentary document: Letter to the Parliament | 09-09-2013

  2. International Security Strategy

    Policy note | 21-06-2013

  3. IOB-study - Corporate Social Responsibility: the role of public policy

    A systematic literature review of the effects of government supported interventions on the corporate social responsibility (CSR) ...

    Report | 14-05-2013

  4. Kurzfassung des Abschlussberichts - Auf dem Weg zu einem gemeinsamen Bewertungsrahmen, innerhalb dessen das gegenseitige Vertrauen im Bereich der justiziellen Zusammenarbeit in Strafsachenbeurteilt wird

    German summary, extracts of the main chapters of the final report and recommendations of the project 'Towards a common evaluation ...

    Report | 31-03-2013

  5. Version abrégée du rapport final - Vers un cadre d’évaluation commun destiné à renforcer la confiance mutuelle dans le domaine de la coopération judiciaire en matière pénale

    French summary, extracts of the main chapters of the final report and recommendations of the project 'Towards a common evaluation ...

    Report | 31-03-2013

  6. Railway Map ERTMS 1.0

    After presenting the background and objectives to be achieved with ERTMS (‘European Rail Traffic Management System’) directional ...

    Report | 27-02-2013

  7. Nationalisation of SNS REAAL

    English translation of the letter Minister of Finance Dijsselbloem sent to Parliament today concerning the nationalisation of SNS ...

    Parliamentary document | 01-02-2013

  8. Icons of Dutch Spatial Planning

    The 35 places and artefacts that are deemed 'most outstanding in Dutch spatial planning' are honoured as icons in this book.

    Leaflet | 19-12-2012

  9. The Netherlands arms export policy in 1999

    Published by: Ministry of Economic Affairs Original title: Jaarrapport Nederlands wapenexportbeleid 1999 Tweede Kamer, ...

    Annual report | 09-11-2011

  10. The Netherlands arms export policy in 2007

    Original title: Jaarrapport Nederlands wapenexportbeleid 2007 Tweede Kamer, vergaderjaar 2007-2008 Kamerstuk 22 054, nr.140

    Annual report | 04-11-2011