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  1. Early Warning, Early Action, in Practice

    This reports presents the results of Clingendael’s Early Warning, Early Action (EWEA) scan of the African continent, assessing ...

    Report | 31-03-2023

  2. OSPAR COMP4 thresholds for nutrients and chlorophyll

    Commissioned by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, Deltares has performed a study to give insight in potential ...

    Report | 10-11-2022

  3. Policy Document for Foreign Trade and Development: Do what we do best

    In the coming years, the Netherlands will invest more in the combination of foreign trade and development cooperation. This is ...

    Policy note | 10-10-2022

  4. Global mobility trends and analyses: Mobility's 'new normal'

    Report on the impact of COVID-19 on mobility and public transport in particular. The report by Rebel provides international ...

    Report | 31-07-2022

  5. Government at a Glance

    Published every two years, Government at a Glance provides reliable, internationally comparable indicators on government ...

    Report | 09-07-2021

  6. Mobilised private (climate & biodiversity) finance report 2020

    This report summarises the mobilisation of private (climate & biodiversity) finance for developing countries by Dutch public ...

    Report | 09-07-2021

  7. Vision on Industry in The Netherlands

    In this industry vision, the government describes the importance of industry for the Netherlands and how industry can contribute ...

    Letter | 09-04-2021

  8. Report North Sea Energy Outlook

    Report | 01-09-2020

  9. Annual report International Human Rights Proceedings (2019)

    Report on the Netherlands’ involvement in international human rights proceedings in 2019.

    Report | 13-08-2020

  10. Strategic Evaluative Review of the Energising Development Partnership Programme – Long Version

    The present report critically reviews the EnDev Programme following the OECD DAC criteria, namely relevance, effectiveness, ...

    Report | 20-06-2018