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  1. Summaries of international organisations' scorecards updated in 2020

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs uses 'scorecards' to check if international organisations function well and if their work is ...

    Report | 19-10-2020

  2. From giving information to imposing obligations

    From giving information to imposing obligations: a new impulse for responsible business conduct. 

    Policy note | 16-10-2020

  3. Summary country-based workshops ASAP conference

    Between June and October of 2020, the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature, and Food Quality hosted a series of country-based ...

    Report | 09-10-2020

  4. Stricter arms export policy for Hong Kong

    On 9 October 2020, in response to the adoption of the new national security law in Hong Kong, the Dutch government decided to ...

    Publication | 09-10-2020

  5. Joint statement reaffirming the importance of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR)

    Together with 81 other countries, the Kingdom of the Netherlands co-sponsored a joint statement reaffirming the critical ...

    Diplomatic statement | 01-10-2020

  6. Final Report Dutch Coal Covenant 2020

    This is the final report of the ‘Covenant in respect of improvements in the coal supply chain’ (the “Covenant”). The goal, for ...

    Report | 28-09-2020

  7. A Hydrogen exchange for the Climate

    This exploratory study examined the possibilities for a hydrogen exchange, partly based on the experience of the establishment of ...

    Report | 24-09-2020

  8. Speech by Minister Stef Blok at Beyond Duty – Visas for Life event

    Speech by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Stef Blok, at Beyond Duty – Visas for Life event on 24 September 2020.

    Speech | 24-09-2020

  9. Dutch Arms Export Policy in 2019

    Report by the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation and the Minister of Foreign Affairs on the export of ...

    Report | 04-09-2020

  10. Executive Summary North Sea Energy Outlook

    Report | 01-09-2020