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  1. Declaration of fourteen European Member States on the protection of LGBTIQ persons in the European Union

    Today, on the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, The Netherlands joins the Declaration of fourteen ...

    Diplomatic statement | 17-05-2021

  2. Statement by Media Freedom Coalition on World Press Freedom Day

    Statement by Media Freedom Coalition on World Press Freedom Day.

    Diplomatic statement | 03-05-2021

  3. Joint statement reaffirming the importance of gender equality and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) at CPD54

    Diplomatic statement | 20-04-2021

  4. Statement of the Equal Rights Coalition on the serious Human Rights Violations and Abuses against LGBTI Individuals in the Chechen Republic of the Russian Federation

    Statement of the Equal Rights Coalition on Human Rights Violations and Abuses against LGBTI in the Chechen Republic of the ...

    Diplomatic statement | 19-04-2021

  5. Media Freedom Coalition statement concerning media freedom in Myanmar

    The undersigned members of the Media Freedom Coalition express their deep concern with the continued efforts by Myanmar’s ...

    Diplomatic statement | 19-04-2021

  6. Effect evaluation of PUM Netherlands Senior Experts phase 2017-2020

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs commissioned SEO Amsterdam Economics to carry out the 2017-2020 evaluation of PUM Netherlands ...

    Report | 16-04-2021

  7. Vision on Industry in The Netherlands

    In this industry vision, the government describes the importance of industry for the Netherlands and how industry can contribute ...

    Letter | 09-04-2021

  8. Speech by Stientje van Veldhoven, State Secretary for Infrastructure and Water Management, at the European Year of Rail Launch Event

    ‘Accounting for only 0.5 per cent of transport emissions in the EU, rail transport is the cleanest way to travel. As soon as the ...

    Speech | 29-03-2021

  9. Cross-border public transport

    The government is promoting cross-border public transport.

  10. Speech by Minister of Foreign Affairs Stef Blok at the Syria side event at the Human Rights Council, 15 March 2021

    10 years old. That's the age of the Syrian boy named Youssef who recently walked into a Dutch motorway petrol station near ...

    Speech | 15-03-2021