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  1. Dutch Export Control Policy in 2020

    This report discusses the instruments, procedures and underlying principles of Dutch arms export policy in 2020.

    Report | 09-09-2021

  2. Biodiversity Footprint for Financial Institutions: Exploring Biodiversity Assessment in 4 cases

    Economy has a direct impact on nature: Economic activities require use of land and water and in most cases they cause degradation ...

    Report | 29-07-2021

  3. Hong Kong: Media Freedom Coalition statement

    Members of the Media Freedom Coalition issue a statement on media freedom in Hong Kong.

    Diplomatic statement | 13-07-2021

  4. Government at a Glance

    Published every two years, Government at a Glance provides reliable, internationally comparable indicators on government ...

    Report | 09-07-2021

  5. Mobilised private (climate & biodiversity) finance report 2020

    This report summarises the mobilisation of private (climate & biodiversity) finance for developing countries by Dutch public ...

    Report | 09-07-2021

  6. Mapping Dutch Financial Flows to Biodiversity

    The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) conducted a research on biodiversity expenditures by Dutch financial institutions. This ...

    Report | 30-06-2021

  7. GovTech in The Netherlands: building a leading GovTech nation

    The City of The Hague and the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations have commissioned PUBLIC from London to write this ...

    Report | 30-06-2021

  8. Strengthening of restitution policy for cultural items looted during the Second World War

    Parliamentary document: Letter to the Parliament | 25-06-2021

  9. Declaration of Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Lithuania, Denmark, Spain, Sweden, Latvia, Italy, Greece, Austria and Cyprus

    We express our grave concern about the adoption by the Hungarian Parliament of amendments which discriminate against LGBTIQ ...

    Diplomatic statement | 22-06-2021

  10. Country of origin information report Syria June 2021

    This country of origin information report describes the situation in Syria insofar as this is important for the assessment of ...

    Report | 14-06-2021