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  1. Speech by Steven van Weyenberg, State Secretary for Infrastructure and Water Management, at the official start of production of the Ebusco 3.0 assembly line, Deurne

    Zero-emission buses contribute to our short-term climate goals and to the EU Fit for 55% Package. Therefore I’m proud that many ...

    Speech | 28-10-2021

  2. Joint statement reaffirming the importance of gender equality and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) at CPD54

    Diplomatic statement | 20-04-2021

  3. Keynote speech by Cora van Nieuwenhuizen, Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management, at the Environment Agency’s Flood & Coast Conference

    “During the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it’s even more important that we combine forces and learn from each other. We need to ...

    Speech | 09-12-2020

  4. Summary thematic workshops ASAP conference

    In October of 2020, the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature, and Food Quality hosted a series of thematic workshops on various ...

    Report | 30-10-2020

  5. Joint statement on safety of journalists and access to information during the COVID-19 crisis

    In the light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the undersigned chairs and members of the Groups of Friends on the Safety/Protection of ...

    Diplomatic statement | 16-04-2020

  6. Better together: coordination in private sector development

    Business for development works. That is our motto for working with the private sector in promoting sustainable development. Our ...

    Blog post | 10-07-2018 | Marcel Vernooij (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

  7. Short Version of the final report - Towards a common evaluation framework to assess mutual trust in the field of judicial cooperation in criminal matters

    Summary, extracts of the main chapters of the final report and recommendations.

    Report | 31-03-2013

  8. Fighting in Sudan - Updates from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    On 15 April violent clashes between government forces and militias began in the Sudanese capital Khartoum. Fighting is also ...

    News item | 26-04-2023 | 10:09

  9. The Netherlands arms export policy in 2004

    Published by: The Ministry of Economic Affairs and The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague, The Netherlands Original title: ...

    Annual report | 09-11-2011

  10. Joint Statement on Voluntary Carbon Market: The Claims Side

    The Netherlands, the federal government of Belgium, Germany, France, Spain, Finland and Austria propose framework to prevent ...

    Diplomatic statement | 10-12-2023