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  1. Participants Ukraine Accountability Conference 2022

    The Ministerial Conference will be hosted by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, Wopke Hoekstra, the Prosecutor ...

    Publication | 13-07-2022

  2. Bilateral forums

    The Netherlands maintains ties with various European countries with a view to consultation and knowledge exchange.

  3. Priorities of the Netherlands’ international cultural policy

    The Dutch government’s international cultural policy has three objectives. All three these have a special focus on the creative ...

  4. Joint statement on the Israeli designation of six Palestinian civil society organisations as terrorist organisations

    Joint Statement by the Spokespersons of the Foreign Ministries of Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the ...

    Diplomatic statement | 12-07-2022

  5. Call for high climate ambition in the FF55 negotiations

    Joint statement by Austria, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Finland, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Sweden and Slovenia, calling ...

    Diplomatic statement | 15-06-2022

  6. Joint statement on behalf of 47 countries in the UN Human Rights Council on the human rights situation in China

    On 14 June, the Netherlands read a joint statement on behalf of 47 countries in the UN Human Rights Council on the human rights ...

    Diplomatic statement | 14-06-2022

  7. The Climate-Biodiversity Nexus - Quantified in four investment cases

    This short paper is focuses on quantifying the relationship between climate change and biodiversity loss in investments of four ...

    Publication | 13-06-2022

  8. Report by the National Coordinator for Sanctions Compliance and Enforcement

    Report by the National Coordinator for Sanctions Compliance and Enforcement, Stef Blok.

    Report | 02-06-2022

  9. Dutch Defence and Security related Technological and Industrial Base

    Presentation of results of the research into the Dutch defence and Security related Technological Industrial Base (NLDTIB).

    Report | 31-05-2022

  10. Statement by the Spokespersons of the Foreign Ministries of France, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain and Sweden

    "We are deeply concerned by the decision of the Israeli Higher Planning Council to advance plans for the construction of more ...

    Diplomatic statement | 13-05-2022