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  1. International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia: Declaration by the Co-chairs on behalf of the Equal Rights Coalition

    Diplomatic statement | 17-05-2023

  2. Esbjerg Group Joint Declaration of Intent: 2025 Actions

    Esbjerg Group Joint Declaration of Intent: 2025 Actions for multiple connected offshore Renewable Energy Hubs. 

    Diplomatic statement | 24-04-2023

  3. Participants Ukraine Accountability Conference 2022

    The Ministerial Conference will be hosted by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, Wopke Hoekstra, the Prosecutor ...

    Publication | 13-07-2022

  4. Call for high climate ambition in the FF55 negotiations

    Joint statement by Austria, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Finland, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Sweden and Slovenia, calling ...

    Diplomatic statement | 15-06-2022

  5. What does an honorary consul do? Foreign Affairs in plain language

    Honorary consuls aren’t professional diplomats, but they play an essential part in the Netherlands’ international network. They ...

    News item | 22-03-2022 | 09:36

  6. Joint Statement on the release of the OHCHR-EHRC joint investigation - November 6, 2021

    In response to the OHCHR-EHRC joint investigation the Netherlands and 15 other countries call on all parties to immediately cease ...

    Diplomatic statement | 06-11-2021

  7. Change of national export control policy with regard to Turkey following the Turkish army’s incursion into northern Syria

    Since 11 October 2019 there has been a stricter arms export policy in force for the export of military goods and dual-use goods ...

    Publication | 15-10-2021

  8. List of countries attending the Ministerial Round table on safety of journalists and the issue of impunity on the World Press Freedom Conference 2020

    List of countries attending the Ministerial Round table on safety of journalists and the issue of impunity on the World Press ...

    Publication | 08-12-2020

  9. IOB – IOB Evaluation Newsletter # 14 07 – A strategic approach? Dutch coalitionbuilding and the ‘multi-bi approach’ to influencing EU decision-making (2008-2012)

    Leaflet | 07-11-2014

  10. Protecting Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Promoting Gender-responsiveness in the COVID-19 crisis

    We, the Ministers of South Africa, Sweden, Argentina, Australia, Albania, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cabo Verde, ...

    Diplomatic statement | 06-05-2020