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  1. Joint Statement on Yemen

    Joint statement on the human rights situation in Yemen behalf of multiple countries and the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

    Diplomatic statement | 29-10-2021

  2. Media Freedom Coalition statement concerning media freedom in Myanmar

    The undersigned members of the Media Freedom Coalition express their deep concern with the continued efforts by Myanmar’s ...

    Diplomatic statement | 19-04-2021

  3. Overview contact details eIDAS

    In this overview you will find the contact details for questions about log-in tools per country of the European Union (EU). ...

    Publication | 10-02-2021

  4. Joint Statement on Sudan

    The governments of Australia, Canada, Chile, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, the ...

    Diplomatic statement | 26-08-2020

  5. Communiqué des ministères des Affaires étrangères de la France, de l’Allemagne, de la Belgique, de l’Espagne, de la Finlande, de l’Italie, du Luxembourg, des Pays-Bas, du Portugal, de la République Tchèque et de la Suède (22.05.20)

    TRAITE CIEL OUVERT Nous regrettons l’annonce du gouvernement des Etats-Unis de son intention de se retirer du Traité ciel ouvert, ...

    Diplomatic statement | 22-05-2020

  6. Patriots travel in convoy to Eemshaven

    Escorted by the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee, 2 Dutch Patriot units left for the port of Eemshaven near Delfzijl today, to be ...

    News item | 07-01-2013 | 09:46

  7. The EU's Russia policy; ECFR Flash Scorecard

    This research document contains data and some analysis on the perspectives of EU citizens with regard to the EU relationship with ...

    Report | 15-03-2023

  8. The Tallinn Mechanism officially formalized

    As endorsed by the Foreign Ministries of Canada, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, United ...

    Diplomatic statement | 20-12-2023

  9. Government takes next step towards bringing Einstein Telescope to the Netherlands

    Lasers, mirror technology and vibration-free cooling equipment are just three of the innovative technologies that will be needed ...

    News item | 24-10-2023 | 11:00

  10. Speech by Prime Minister Mark Rutte at the opening of the Freedom Museum, 5 July 2023, Groesbeek

    Speech by Prime Minister Mark Rutte at the opening of the Freedom Museum, 5 July 2023, Groesbeek.

    Speech | 05-07-2023