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  1. E3F summit statement 24.11.21

    The Netherlands is working together with a coalition of countries to make global export finance even greener. This is the outcome ...

    Publication | 24-11-2021

  2. Change of national export control policy with regard to Turkey following the Turkish army’s incursion into northern Syria

    Since 11 October 2019 there has been a stricter arms export policy in force for the export of military goods and dual-use goods ...

    Publication | 15-10-2021

  3. Joint statement reaffirming the importance of gender equality and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) at CPD54

    Diplomatic statement | 20-04-2021

  4. Joint statement on safety of journalists and access to information during the COVID-19 crisis

    In the light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the undersigned chairs and members of the Groups of Friends on the Safety/Protection of ...

    Diplomatic statement | 16-04-2020

  5. Joint Statement on Voluntary Carbon Market: The Claims Side

    The Netherlands, the federal government of Belgium, Germany, France, Spain, Finland and Austria propose framework to prevent ...

    Diplomatic statement | 10-12-2023

  6. Political Declaration of the Ministerial Ukraine Accountability Conference

    Statement by the representatives of Governments of Albania, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Colombia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Bulgaria, ...

    Diplomatic statement | 14-07-2022

  7. Statement by Barbara Visser, Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management of the Netherlands, at the OSPAR ministerial meeting, Cascais

    ‘This conference comes not a moment too soon. Because the challenges we face are enormous. Climate change is one of the biggest ...

    Speech | 04-10-2021

  8. Evaluation Akvo PPP Phase 3

    Report | 19-05-2017

  9. Speech by Minister Hoekstra at the EU Heads of Mission (HoMs) meeting

    Speech by Minister of Foreign Affairs Wopke Hoekstra at the EU Heads of Mission meeting on 17 April 2023 in The Hague. The spoken ...

    Speech | 17-04-2023

  10. Joint statement of the Alliance for multilateralism

    The COVID-19 pandemic is a wake-up call for multilateralism. Trying to cope with the immediate devastating effects of the virus, ...

    Diplomatic statement | 17-04-2020