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  1. The Netherlands and South Sudan: development cooperation under challenging circumstances

    Pascalle Grotenhuis, Director-General for International Cooperation (DGIS) at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, paid a visit to ...

    Blog post | 25-03-2024 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  2. Dutch Climate Finance: 2010-2015 and Beyond

    The Netherlands is committed to supporting mitigation and adaptation activities, especially in developing countries. The ...

    Leaflet | 02-11-2015

  3. Final Evaluation of the MFA-NL Supported Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment (NCEA) Programme 2012-2017

    The NCEA support to governments and DGIS was evaluated as highly relevant between 2012-2017 based on a review of 43 ...

    Publication | 31-01-2017

  4. Final Report Mid-Term Review Nexus Skills and Jobs Programme

    At the time of this Mid-Term Review (MTR), the Nexus Skills and Jobs programme (EUR 104,5 million) contains 26 projects in nine ...

    Report | 01-09-2023

  5. Appendix III (Safety for Voices): Corporate rates

    Information for applicants/lead parties and co-applicants established in EU member states that do not use the euro and for ...

    Publication | 01-06-2022

  6. Joint statement of the Alliance for multilateralism

    The COVID-19 pandemic is a wake-up call for multilateralism. Trying to cope with the immediate devastating effects of the virus, ...

    Diplomatic statement | 17-04-2020

  7. Speech of Sir Mark Lowcock at the MHPSS conference

    Remarks at the International Conference on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Crisis Situations by Under-Secretary-General ...

    Speech | 16-10-2019

  8. Letter to Parliament on the action plan on policy coherence for development

    Letter of 25 November 2022 from minister Liesje Schreinemacher for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation to the House of ...

    Parliamentary document: Letter to the Parliament | 06-02-2023

  9. Programme grant Migration and Displacement

    On 3 July 2023, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs published a call for grant proposals for the programme Migration and Displacement ...

    Decree | 03-07-2023

  10. Evaluation Agriterra Farmers Common Sense in Business Programme 2016-2020

    Independent evaluation of the Farmers Common Sense in Business (FCSB) programme, implemented by Agriterra. This evaluation covers ...

    Report | 03-07-2020