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  1. GAIN Dutch A1 programme summary

    Transforming food systems to improve diet quality and resilience for the most vulnerable. A summary. 

    Publication | 23-12-2021

  2. Mid-term review of the addressing root causes (ARC) programme 2016-2021

    This report presents the findings of the independent external mid-term review of the Addressing Root Causes (ARC) Programme (2016 ...

    Report | 09-07-2020

  3. GRF gender in food security ETH Final Report - Food security

    A review of Netherlands funded food security projects in Ethiopia offered valuable insights in how gender was integrated in ...

    Report | 08-05-2017

  4. Final Evaluation of 'Omzet met Impact' Programme

    The aim of the 'Omzet met Impact' programme is to stimulate sustainable trade and investment between the Netherlands and emerging ...

    Report | 22-10-2021

  5. Questions and answers – Addressing Root Causes Fund – second batch, 12 February 2016

    Form | 12-02-2016

  6. Policy Framework ARC Fund annex 1: countries

    Decree | 13-01-2016

  7. Evaluation of Water Support Programme (Water OS 4)

    The Water Support Programme (Water OS 4) is outlined to run from 2017–2021. It aims to support the embassies in the ...

    Report | 30-06-2021

  8. A Hopefully Peaceful Future

    The One Young World (OYW) Summit 2019 was held in London from 22-25 October, where approximately 2000 young ‘change makers’ ...

    Blog post | 15-11-2019 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  9. Early Warning, Early Action, in Practice

    This reports presents the results of Clingendael’s Early Warning, Early Action (EWEA) scan of the African continent, assessing ...

    Report | 31-03-2023

  10. BLUE DEAL Mid-Term Review

    The main purpose of the MtR is to assess the extent to which the Blue Deal programme and its partnerships have the potential to ...

    Report | 30-04-2021