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  1. IOB – Renewable energy – Policy review on the Dutch contribution to renewable energy and development (2004-2014) – Summary report

    For decades, Dutch development cooperation has paid attention to renewable sources of energy in the context of development ...

    Report | 01-08-2015

  2. IOB - Work in Progress - Evaluation of the ORET Programme: Investing in Public Infrastructure in Developing Countries

    Public infrastructure is at the core of structural transformation in developing countries. It is also crucial to support social ...

    Report | 01-07-2015

  3. IOB - Gender sense & sensitivity - Policy evaluation on women's rights and gender equality (2007-2014)

    This policy evaluation of the Dutch international gender policy covers the period 2007-2014. One of the key foundations of this ...

    Report | 01-07-2015

  4. Chair's summary report conference No More Food to Waste

    Report | 25-06-2015

  5. IOB - Impact Evaluation of Improved Cooking Stoves in Burkina Faso

    Report | 18-11-2013

  6. IOB Study - NGOs in action: a study of activities in sexual and reproductive health and rights by Dutch NGOs

    This report presents the findings of a desk-study of the work of Dutch non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in the field of ...

    Report | 02-09-2013

  7. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Policy Agenda 2012

    Policy Agenda 2012 Key policy changes for 2012 In its foreign policy the government aims to reinforce the three pillars of ...

    Annual plan | 20-09-2011

  8. Programme grant Contributing to Peaceful and Safe Societies 2024-2031

    On the 9th of November 2023, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs published a call for proposals for the grant programme “Contributing ...

    Decree | 09-11-2023

  9. Policy Framework Fund Combatting Sexual Exploitation of Children

    On 15 July 2022, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs published a call for grant proposals for the Fund Combating Sexual Exploitation ...

    Publication | 15-07-2022

  10. Evaluation of the Dutch Employers' Cooperation Programme DECP - Assessment of the outcomes of DECP activities over the period 2013-2016

    The Dutch Employers' Cooperation Programme (DECP) is a foundation established in 2005 by the Dutch employers' organizations and ...

    Report | 01-05-2017