
90 search results

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  1. Drylands Development External programme Review Volume II

    Report | 01-06-2018

  2. EKN exploration for a potential nutrition programme in Benin

    This rapport studies the Benin food security context in 2018 and describes four scenario for interventions by The Netherlands.

    Report | 22-05-2018

  3. Investing in Global Prospects

    The policy document 'Investing in global prospects' of Minister Sigrid Kaag (Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation) shows how ...

    Policy note | 18-05-2018

  4. Child abuse

    The government works to reduce child abuse. Please see for more information


  5. Coalition Agreement 'Confidence in the Future'

    On 10 October 2017 the leaders of four parties in parliament (VVD, CDA, D66 and the Christian Union) presented their new ...

    Publication | 10-10-2017

  6. Sentencing

    A range of penalties – prison sentences, alternative sanctions, fines, etc. – can be imposed on offenders.

  7. Human Rights Report 2015

    The Human Rights Report 2015 is structured as follows. Chapter 1 looks at the forums where the Netherlands is active in the field ...

    Report | 01-12-2016

  8. Tackling domestic violence

    The government wants to tackle and prevent domestic abuse. Please see for more information

  9. What is domestic violence?

    Domestic violence is violence committed by someone in the victim’s domestic circle. Please see for more information

  10. What assistance can I get at home from my municipality?

    Anyone who needs social support can apply for it under the Social Support Act (WMO 2015). You may be offered a standard or ...

    Question and answer