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  1. Synthesis Report of the Mid-Term Review for the Leading From the South

    The aim of this mid-term review was to assess the progress of the Leading from the South program (2017-2020) and to provide ...

    Report | 18-05-2020

  2. IOB - Premises and promises - A study of the premises underlying the Dutch policy for women's rights and gender equality

    The Dutch international policy for women's rights and gender equality is based on both rights-based arguments - women have the ...

    Report | 01-06-2015

  3. Racism at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – an exploratory study

    Inspired in part by the Black Lives Matter movement, the Senior Management Board decided to investigate what forms of racism ...

    Report | 12-12-2022

  4. End of programme evaluation IRC businessplan 2012-2016

    The IRC activities have been co-financed by The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs since IRC started in 1968. This report ...

    Publication | 11-01-2017

  5. External Evaluation of Horticulture and Food Security Program

    Program by Solidaridad, SNV, Hivos and AgriProFocus - Final report

    Report | 24-05-2016

  6. The Netherlands arms export policy in 2006

    Original title: Jaarrapport Nederlands wapenexportbeleid 2006 Tweede Kamer, vergaderjaar 2006-2007 Kamerstuk 22 054, nr.126 13 ...

    Annual report | 09-11-2011

  7. Final evaluation report Netherlands WASH SDG Programme

    From 2017 until 2024 the WASH SDG Programme, executed by WASH Alliance International, SNV and Plan Netherlands, aimed to deliver ...

    Report | 31-01-2023

  8. The Netherlands submits Adaptation Communication ahead of COP26

    As announced during the Adaptation Action Coalition event, by Ms. Barbara Visser, the Minister of Infrastructure and Water ...

    Report | 01-10-2021

  9. Effectiveness Study of the Financial Inclusion Efforts of Four Rabo Partnerships (2015-2019)

    This study was commissioned to gain insight into the impact of the interventions by Rabo Partnerships (RP) as part of the PPP ...

    Report | 31-05-2021

  10. EKN Engagement Strategy for Cabo Delgado

    The Cabo Delgado province will transform due to the gas explorations. If this transformation is includive, sustainable, divers ...

    Report | 31-03-2018