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  1. Statement by the Equal Rights Coalition on the Anti-Homosexuality Act in Uganda

    Statement by the Equal Rights Coalition on the Anti-Homosexuality Act in Uganda

    Diplomatic statement | 29-05-2023

  2. Regional departments

    These departments develop coherent, effective policy on the world's regions and countries.

  3. Actual and potential trade relations between The Netherlands and Chile, Mexico, and New Zealand

    Background research to serve as input for assessing the potential impact of Draft EU Free Trade Agreements with Chile, Mexico, ...

    Report | 28-02-2023

  4. REAIM 2023 Endorsing Countries and Territories

    The listed countries underline the need to put the responsible use of AI higher on the political agenda and to further promote ...

    Publication | 21-02-2023

  5. Space research generates new technologies

    Central government is investing in space research jointly with businesses and academia.

  6. Subsidy Soil Fertility Programme

    Subsidy Soil Fertility Programme

    Publication | 24-01-2023

  7. End-of-Grant Evaluation of the Portfolio "Keeping the Food Markets Working"

    GAIN’s Covid-19 response programme effectively contributed to strengthening the short-term resilience of SMEs to ensure access to ...

    Report | 08-12-2022

  8. Joint statement by Canada and the Kingdom of the Netherlands on the case brought by Ukraine against Russia at the International Court of Justice

    The Governments of Canada and the Kingdom of the Netherlands today issued the following statement:

    Diplomatic statement | 07-12-2022

  9. Human Rights Report 2021

    The Netherlands’ international human rights policy: efforts and results.

    Report | 06-12-2022

  10. Summaries of international organisations' scorecards updated in 2022

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs uses 'scorecards' to check if international organisations function well and if their work is ...

    Report | 29-11-2022