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  1. Registration for a short-term stay in the Netherlands (German) ; Anmeldung im Register für Nicht-Einwohner bei vorübergehendem Aufenthalt in den Niederlanden

    If you come to the Netherlands for a few months, for instance for work or studies, you need a Dutch social security number ...

    Leaflet | 25-06-2019

  2. Registration for a short-term stay in the Netherlands (Polish) ; Rejestracja jako nierezydent w przypadku krótkiego pobytu w Holandii

    If you come to the Netherlands for a few months, for instance for work or studies, you need a Dutch social security number ...

    Leaflet | 25-06-2019

  3. Registration for a short-term stay in the Netherlands (Rumanian) ; Înregistrarea în Registrul nerezidenților dacă șederea în Olanda este de scurtă durată

    If you come to the Netherlands for a few months, for instance for work or studies, you need a Dutch social security number ...

    Leaflet | 25-06-2019

  4. Privacy statement by the Ministry of Justice and Security

    This privacy statement explains how the Ministry of Justice and Security deals with personal data.

  5. Privacy statement by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment

    This privacy statement explains how the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment deals with personal data.

  6. What can I do if I disagree with the result of a breath analysis or blood test after driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol?

    If you were pulled over and the police suspect you of being under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medication, then you must ...

    Question and answer

  7. What should you do if you don’t agree with the results of a breath analysis or blood test?

    What happens if you’re stopped by the police because they suspect you’re under the influence of drugs or alcohol? In the case of ...

    Question and answer

  8. Citizen service number (BSN)

    The citizen service number (BSN) is a unique personal number allocated to everyone registered in the Personal Records Database ...

  9. How I can register in the Non-residents Records Database?

    If you are moving to the Netherlands for no more than 4 months, you can register as a non-resident with the Personal Records ...

    Question and answer

  10. When should I register with the Personal Records Database as a resident?

    If you will be living in the Netherlands for longer than 4 months, you must register as a resident with the Personal Records ...

    Question and answer