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  1. Example of invitation letter for the basic series of the COVID-19 vaccination

    Example of an invitation letter for the basic series of the COVID-19 vaccination (also know as primary COVID-19 vaccination ...

    Publication | 11-05-2022

  2. Translations getting proof of vaccination after being vaccinated abroad (French, Turkish, Arabic, Farsi, Russian)

    You need proof of vaccination. Most people won't have any trouble retrieving their data via the CoronaCheck app or ...

    Publication | 16-03-2022

  3. Invitation letters COVID-19 vaccination children

    Example letters that contain information about coronavirus vaccinations for children aged from 5 to 11. It also tells you how to ...

    Letter | 18-01-2022

  4. Flyer for undocumented people about vaccination against COVID-19

    Undocumented people have specific questions about the vaccination against COVID-19. This leaflet answers some of these questions. ...

    Leaflet | 06-07-2021

  5. Invitation letter for COVID-19 vaccination (translations in English, Arabic, Polish, Tigrinya, Bulgarian, Romanian and Spanish)

    In 2021 everyone aged 18 and over in the Netherlands will be invited to get vaccinated against COVID-19. This is the invitation ...

    Letter | 12-05-2021

  6. How can I get online access to the services of a Dutch public sector organisation from another EEA country?

    You can get online access to the services of a Dutch public sector organisation from another EEA country using your DigiD.

    Question and answer

  7. What do I need to arrange if I’m moving to the Netherlands?

    If you are moving to the Netherlands there are a lot of things you need to arrange.

    Question and answer

  8. Registration for a short-term stay in the Netherlands

    If you come to the Netherlands for a few months, for instance for work or studies, you need a Dutch social security number ...

    Leaflet | 25-06-2019

  9. Registration for a short-term stay in the Netherlands (Hungarian) ; Regisztráció a Nem állandó lakcímmel rendelkező lakosok nyilvántartásába, rövid időtartamú Hollandiában tartózkodás esetén

    If you come to the Netherlands for a few months, for instance for work or studies, you need a Dutch social security number ...

    Leaflet | 25-06-2019

  10. Registration for a short-term stay in the Netherlands (Bulgarian) ; Вписване в Регистъра на неместните лица при краткосрочно пребиваване в Нидерландия

    If you come to the Netherlands for a few months, for instance for work or studies, you need a Dutch social security number ...

    Leaflet | 25-06-2019