
62 search results

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  1. Central Government WhatsApp

    You can ask questions about legislation in the Netherlands via WhatsApp. Please note: There are known scam organisations using ...

  2. Information for refugees from Ukraine in the Netherlands about health insurance

    Leaflet | 27-07-2022

  3. (Español) ¿Qué puedo hacer si no estoy de acuerdo con el resultado de una prueba de alcoholemia o de un análisis de sangre después de conducir bajo los efectos de las drogas y/o del alcohol?

    Leaflet | 01-07-2022

  4. (Polski) Co mogę zrobić, jeśli nie zgadzam się z wynikiem badania alkomatem lub badania krwi wykonanego po jeździe pod wpływem narkotyków i/lub alkoholu?

    Leaflet | 01-07-2022

  5. (Français) Que faire si je ne suis pas d’accord avec le résultat d’un alcootest ou d’une analyse de sang après avoir conduit sous l’effet de drogues et/ou d’alcool?

    Leaflet | 01-07-2022

  6. (Deutsch) Was kann ich tun, wenn ich mit dem Ergebnis einer Atemanalyse oder Blutuntersuchung nach Fahren unter Drogen- und/oder Alkoholeinfluss nicht einverstanden bin?

    Leaflet | 01-07-2022

  7. Important information about the WagwEU for self-employed persons

    The Dutch Terms of Employment Posted Workers in the European Union Act

    Leaflet | 27-05-2022

  8. Important information about the WagwEU for employers

    The Dutch Terms of Employment Posted Workers in the European Union Act

    Leaflet | 27-05-2022

  9. Duty to report foreign nationals working in the Netherlands: Checklist for self-employed persons

    This data is needed complete a notification in the online notification portal for foreign nationals working in the Netherlands.

    Leaflet | 27-05-2022

  10. Duty to report foreign nationals working in the Netherlands: Checklist for employers abroad

    This data is needed complete a notification in theonline notification portal for foreign nationals.

    Leaflet | 27-05-2022