
62 search results

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  1. Which organisations are allowed to make a copy of my ID?

    Find out which organisations in the Netherlands are allowed to take a copy of your ID.

    Question and answer

  2. How do I make a secure copy of my ID using the KopieID app?

    The KopieID app allows you to make a secure copy of your ID using your mobile phone or tablet.

    Question and answer

  3. Asking Central Government a question on X

    Ask your question about the laws or regulations in the Netherlands on Central Government’s

  4. Asking Central Government a question on WhatsApp

    Ask your question about the laws or rules in the Netherlands on Central Government’s WhatsApp number.

  5. Asking Central Government a question on Facebook

    Ask your question about the laws or rules in The Netherlands on Central Government’s Facebook page.

  6. How can I get online access to the services of a Dutch public sector organisation from another EEA country?

    You can get online access to the services of a Dutch public sector organisation from another EEA country using your DigiD.

    Question and answer

  7. What do I need to arrange if I’m moving to the Netherlands?

    If you are moving to the Netherlands there are a lot of things you need to arrange.

    Question and answer

  8. Applying for a Dutch passport outside the Netherlands

    Dutch citizens living outside the Netherlands can apply for a new passport or identity card from most Dutch embassies and ...

  9. Applying for a DigiD from outside the Netherlands

    Applying for a DigiD while living outside the Netherlands.

  10. Personal Records Database (BRP)

    The Personal Records Database (BRP) contains the personal data of people who live in the Netherlands (residents) and of people ...