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  1. Letter to the House of Representatives on the progress of the EMA’s relocation and the second written report on the construction of the permanent building

    Minister Bruins (Medical Care and Sport) informs the House of Representatives on the progress of the EMA’s relocation including ...

    Parliamentary document: Letter to the Parliament | 09-04-2019

  2. Foreign minister Stef Blok commemorates MH17 in Australia and Malaysia

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Stef Blok’s visit to Australia and Malaysia on 27 and 28 March focused mainly on commemorating and ...

    News item | 28-03-2019 | 14:58

  3. I hold dual nationality (Dutch and another nationality) and I live in the United Kingdom. How will Brexit affect me?

    You could automatically lose your Dutch nationality. To keep your Dutch nationality, you need to make sure you always apply for a ...

    Question and answer

  4. Can I bring family members to live with me in the UK after Brexit?

    If you live in the UK, under current rules you can bring your spouse and children to the UK to live with you.

    Question and answer

  5. Can I still live and work in the UK after Brexit?

    If you were living in the UK before 1 January 2021, you may continue to live and work there.

    Question and answer

  6. Can I take my pet from the United Kingdom to the Netherlands after Brexit?

    Yes, you can. However, the rules that apply from 2021 are stricter.

    Question and answer

  7. Can I still undertake a work placement in the United Kingdom after Brexit?

    Question and answer

  8. Churchill Lecture by Prime Minister Mark Rutte, Europa Institut at the University of Zurich

    The EU: from the power of principles towards principles and power

    Speech | 13-02-2019

  9. Curious and committed - the value of science

    This policy note describes the Cabinet's investments in science, as well as the 3 ambitions and the key action points to further ...

    Policy note | 28-01-2019

  10. Defence Industry Strategy

    Report | 30-11-2018