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  1. Sustainability Report 2023

    Sustainability Report 2023 by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    Report | 24-09-2024

  2. Sustainability report 2023 Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs published om 15th of May 2024 the second report on sustainability. The mission of the Ministry is ...

    Report | 15-05-2024

  3. Early Warning, Early Action, in Practice

    This reports presents the results of Clingendael’s Early Warning, Early Action (EWEA) scan of the African continent, assessing ...

    Report | 31-03-2023

  4. Taxes crucial to development - Legislation

    Developing countries will be able to achieve internationally agreed development goals more quickly if they put their government ...

    Leaflet | 12-04-2016

  5. Towards a stimulating economic climate - Improving the climate for business

    Extra support particularly benefits smaller producers in developing countries. The Netherlands carries out a range of activities ...

    Leaflet | 12-04-2016

  6. Support for small businesses - Encouraging enterprise

    In developing countries, the Netherlands supports local startups and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that want to grow. ...

    Leaflet | 12-04-2016

  7. GAIN Dutch A1 programme summary

    Transforming food systems to improve diet quality and resilience for the most vulnerable. A summary. 

    Publication | 23-12-2021

  8. Final Evaluation of the MFA-NL Supported Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment (NCEA) Programme 2012-2017

    The NCEA support to governments and DGIS was evaluated as highly relevant between 2012-2017 based on a review of 43 ...

    Publication | 31-01-2017

  9. End evaluation of the MFA-NL-supported NCEA programme 2017-2022

    The Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment (NCEA) is an independent advisory body to improve (Strategic) ...

    Report | 31-10-2022

  10. External Evaluation of the Netherlands Fellowship Programmes (NFP II) and Netherlands Initiative for Capacity development in Higher Education (NICHE II)

    This report deals with the main findings from the external evaluation of the Netherlands Initiative for Capacity development in ...

    Report | 03-02-2017