
164 search results

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  1. IOB - Gender sense & sensitivity - Policy evaluation on women's rights and gender equality (2007-2014)

    This policy evaluation of the Dutch international gender policy covers the period 2007-2014. One of the key foundations of this ...

    Report | 01-07-2015

  2. Ecosystems for Life: A Bangladesh-India Initiative

    External Review Report – submitted to: IUCN

    Report | 01-08-2014

  3. The Netherlands arms export policy in 2001

    The Netherlands arms export policy in 2001.

    Annual report | 09-11-2011

  4. The Netherlands arms export policy in 2006

    Original title: Jaarrapport Nederlands wapenexportbeleid 2006 Tweede Kamer, vergaderjaar 2006-2007 Kamerstuk 22 054, nr.126 13 ...

    Annual report | 09-11-2011

  5. The Netherlands arms export policy in 1998

    Published by: Ministry of Economic Affairs Original title: Jaarrapport Nederlands wapenexportbeleid 1998 Tweede Kamer, ...

    Annual report | 09-11-2011

  6. Speech by Prime Minister Mark Rutte in Madrid

    Speech by Prime Minister Mark Rutte in Madrid on 30 March 2022. 

    Speech | 30-03-2022

  7. Joint statement of France and the Netherlands

    France and the Netherlands intend to deepen and strengthen their bilateral relationship to defend our shared European values, and ...

    Diplomatic statement | 31-08-2021

  8. COMPASS Mid-Term Evaluation

    This Mid-Term Evaluation looks at enabling and constraining factors to the implementation of COMPASS. It concludes that the ...

    Report | 28-12-2022

  9. Annual Report International Human Rights Proceedings (2021)

    Report on the Netherlands’ involvement in international human rights proceedings in 2021.

    Report | 08-09-2022

  10. Trends in Climate Finance: Background Report for Policymakers

    This report discusses trends in climate finance and makes recommendations to improve the methodologies for measuring the ...

    Report | 16-06-2022