Careful phasing-out of inter-country adoption over six years

Inter-country adoption will be carefully phased out over a six-year period. This approach allows countries of origin and licence holders to prepare for the situation in which the Netherlands ceases inter-country adoption. Additionally, this phasing-out period gives prospective adoptive parents a reasonable timeframe to continue their adoption procedures. With this phasing-out plan, State Secretary Struycken is implementing the motion that the House of Representatives adopted on 16 April 2024 to wind down inter-country adoption. This motion follows the 2021 Joustra Commission report, which determined that the risk of malpractices cannot be ruled out even in a more strictly regulated system.

The House’s rationale for ending inter-country adoption is that it no longer constitutes a sustainable solution to protect children’s interests. Children’s interests are best served when they can grow up in a safe environment in their own country, region or culture.

State Secretary Struycken: ‘It has become clear to me in recent months that adoption evokes a wide range of emotions, and that this topic has various perspectives. In developing the phasing-out plan, the interests of all parties involved have been considered, particularly those of the child. The phasing-out plan provides clarity for all involved and ensures that inter-country adoption will be wound down carefully.’

Phasing-out period

Countries with which the Netherlands has an adoption relationship will have sufficient time over a six-year period to carefully complete procedures for children who are currently being considered for adoption. As careful phasing-out cannot be achieved within the current contract, licence holders will have the option to extend their licence once more for an additional five years. This will allow them to submit matching proposals for adoption to the Dutch Central Authority until 1 May 2030. At the end of 2030, the Central Authority will take over any remaining tasks from the licence holders.

Prospective adoptive parents

It is important that prospective adoptive parents receive clarity. The process they go through is typically lengthy and emotional. All prospective adoptive parents currently in an adoption procedure will have the opportunity to continue this procedure during the phasing-out period. Given the limited number of adoptions each year, some of these prospective adoptive parents have an exceedingly slim chance of completing an adoption. This particularly applies to prospective adoptive parents who are in the early stages of the adoption process.  

Next steps

Due to the decision to end inter-country adoption, adapted laws and regulations will need to replace the Placement of Foreign Children for Adoption Act (Wet opneming buitenlandse kinderen ter adoptie; Wobka). The new Act will come into force by the end of the phasing-out period and include regulations to carefully transfer adoption files to the National Archives. During the phasing-out period, the Health and Youth Care Inspectorate and the Ministry of Justice and Security will oversee the quality of adoption procedures. Ongoing attention to support and aftercare for adoptees and adoptive parents will moreover continue beyond 2030.