Contacting the Ministry of Housing and Spatial Planning

You can send your questions, comments or suggestions to the Ministry of Housing and Spatial Planning by using the contact form. Your question will be dealt with by the Public Information Service of the Government of the Netherlands. You can also contact the Public Information Service by telephone.

Telephone number Public Information Service

You can call the Public Information Service on weekdays between 08.00 and 20.00:

Addresses of the Ministry of Housing and Spatial Planning

Ministry of Housing and Spatial Planning (Ministerie van Volkshuisvesting en Ruimtelijke Ordening)
Turfmarkt 147
2511 DP The Hague
The Netherlands

Postal address

P.O. Box 20011
2500 EA The Hague
The Netherlands

Directions to the Ministry of Housing and Spatial Planning

By public transport

If you arrive by train at Den Haag Centraal (central station), it is a 3-minute walk to the ministry. Leave the station from Platform 1 ('Rijnstraat'), then follow the directions for 'Centrum' (the city centre). This will lead you past and underneath a large office building and across a small bridge. Continue straight ahead from the bridge and you will soon find the ministry on your left.

If you arrive by train at Den Haag HS (Hollands Spoor), take tram number 9, 16 or 17 and get off at the Kalvermarkt/Stadhuis tram stop. Pass through the large white building near the tram stop (the Town Hall, 'Stadhuis'), then take a left turn towards Den Haag Centraal (central station). The ministry is approximately 4 minutes from the tram stop.

By car (from the A4 or A12 motorway)

At the Prins Clausplein motorway intersection, follow the signs for Den Haag. You will enter The Hague on the Utrechtse Baan (A12). Take the 'Centrum' exit. At the traffic lights, turn left onto the road over the viaduct and under the green Terminal Noord building. Follow the signs for 'Parking Spui/Turfmarkt'. Take the tunnel to the Turfmarkt indoor car park (not free of charge), which is under the ministry.