Organogram of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport: Directorate-General for Health
Director-General: Marjolijn Sonnema
Departments and programmes
- Public Health Department (PG)
- Nutrition, Health Protection and Prevention Department (VGP)
- Sports Department (DS)
- International Affairs Department (IZ)
- Infectious Diseases Policy Department (IZB)
Public Health Department (PG)
Director: Florien van der Windt
The Public Health Department covers the field of public healthcare in the Netherlands. Its tasks include promoting general health in the population, preventing disease and dealing with medical-ethical questions and dilemmas. A healthy population benefits society in many ways. The department raises this issue with other public bodies, civil society actors and businesses, and facilitates their efforts in this area.
The department is the contracting authority for the Health Council of the Netherlands and ZonMW.
Key topics
- Local public health policy, including reducing socioeconomic health disparities
- National Immunisation Programme
- Control of infectious diseases
- Sexual health
- Population screening (various forms of cancer, prenatal screening)
- Child health services
- Combating antimicrobial resistance
- Medical-ethical issues such as euthanasia, ‘completed life’, abortion and reproductive health, policy document on medical ethics
- Prevention, including implementation of the National Prevention Pact
- Solid Start [Kansrijke Start] programme
- Seven-point plan for unplanned pregnancy, with a focus on vulnerable groups including teenagers
Nutrition, Health Protection and Prevention Department (VGP)
Director: Victor Sannes
VGP is a policy department geared to promoting and protecting public health. It develops policy on healthy lifestyle, healthy weight, healthy diet, food safety, prevention of injury, product safety, alcohol, drugs and tobacco. The instruments it uses include information, assistance, self-regulation, legislation, enforcement, excise, research and international cooperation.
Sports Department (DS)
Director: Nicole Huppertz
The department drafts policy to promote participation in sport across society, which offers everyone tailored and safe opportunities for sport and exercise. Sporting excellence is also promoted.
Key topics
- Removing obstacles to participation in sport and physical activity, and ensuring everyone has access to facilities for sport and exercise close to home.
- Promoting a safe environment in which everyone can enjoy participating in sport and exercise activities without feeling threatened in any way.
- Promoting fair play and good governance of sports organisations.
- Strengthening sports science and promoting innovations in the field of sport and physical exercise.
- Striving for the Netherlands to be among the top 10 countries for elite sports, including parasports.
- Supporting the hosting of attractive and inspiring sports events at international, national, regional and local levels.
International Affairs Department (IZ)
Director: Roland Driece
International cooperation is essential for effective public health policy, as the global COVID-19 pandemic has shown. The department coordinates and elaborates the Netherlands’ international role in collaborations with other countries as well as within international organisations. To this end, IZ has a network of attachés and seconded staff members at strategic Dutch missions (Brussels, Geneva, Washington DC, Beijing and New Delhi). The department also helps develop policy on issues with a strong international dimension, working closely with the responsible policy departments and/or ministries. IZ also manages the international travel agendas of the ministers, the state secretary and senior management.
Key topics
- Developing international policy, WHO, EU, G20
- Health diplomacy
- Representing the Netherlands at international bodies
- Economic diplomacy and bilateral relations
Infectious Diseases Policy Department
Director: Frank Kooiman
The task of the Infectious Diseases Policy Department is to ensure that people in the Netherlands are optimally protected against the serious and sometimes lasting effects of infectious diseases, including zoonoses (animal diseases that can be passed to humans). This can be achieved through prevention (including vaccination programmes), early identification of risks and rapid response when necessary. The department also facilitates and encourages the development of knowledge on infectious diseases, taking account of the diversity of Dutch society and paying extra attention to high-risk groups.