Support departments

The following departments ressort under the Directorate-General for Consular Affairs and Operational Management (DGCB)

Office of the Secretary-General (BSG)

BSG coordinates all activities relevant to the Ministers and senior management at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This includes document traffic, contacts with the House of Representatives, advice to the Cabinet, and interministerial contacts. BSG also assists the Ministry’s senior civil servants in their management tasks.


CIO Office

The Office of the Chief Information Officer (CIO Office) is a small policy unit responsible for information systems at the Ministry. It operates in accordance with requests from other parts of the Ministry. Within the CIO Office, the Project Management Organisation Unit (PMO) is responsible for the project-based implementation of new initiatives. The CIO Office also has information management advisers, who are responsible for information policy and management in the areas of (documentary) information systems and record-keeping.


Information Services Department (DID)

The Information Services Department is responsible for implementing information systems policy. It consists of five divisions and a Control Unit:
•    Contract Management and Departmental Support Division (
•    Management and Service Integration Division (
•    Information Services Division (
•    Information Technology Division (
•    Records Division (
•    Control Unit (

The Service Centre (which was formerly part of the Information and Communication Technology Department) is now part of the Information Technology Division and can be reached at

Inspection, Risk Analysis and Advisory (ISB)

The ISB unit has its main focus on identifying and charting out risks that stand in the way of achieving results by the organization, primarily the Dutch missions abroad. ISB does this mainly by undertaking assessments of the missions. Our work method is based on three underlying principles: confidentiality, transparency and independence. 

During the assessments, we focus on three main themes: 

  • policy implementation (including consular policy, external contacts/networking and entertainment),
  • organization, management/leadership, integrity and internal communication,
  • operational management (financial management and management of non-financial assets, housing, integrated information security and privacy, personnel management, IT and records management). 

(part of the Audit and Evaluation Cluster)

Personnel and Organisation Department (HDPO)

HDPO develops and carries out personnel policy as well as advising on personnel and organisational development.

HDPO comprises:

  • Personnel and Management Advice Division (HDPO/PM)
  • Organisation and Development Advice Division (HDPO/OO)
  • Regulations and Legal Status (HDPO/RR)
  • Information Management and Control (HDPO/IC)
  • Support Section (HDPO/SB)


Communication Department (COM)

COM informs the public about Dutch foreign policy and development cooperation, and it coordinates media and communications strategy for the Ministers. Other important COM areas are the provision of information about the Netherlands abroad and the promotion of its international image, plus internal communications and communications advice within the Ministry, at both its headquarters in The Hague and its missions abroad.

COM comprises:

  • News Management Division (COM/NM)
  • Editorial Division (COM/NM/RD))
  • External Communication Division (COM/BT)
  • Corporate Communication and Public Diplomacy Division (COM/CP)
  • General Support Division (COM/AO)
  • Control Unit (COM/CU)


Quality Control and Supervision Department (FEZ/KT)

This division consists of the Supervision and Monitoring Unit (TM) and the Corporate Accounting and Information Unit (CI).

In addition to these responsibilities, FEZ/KT is also the first port of call within FEZ for:

  • management problems (administrative organisation/internal control, management of  prepayments, etc.);
  • training courses;
  • Piramide / Discoverer;
  • fraud / integrity matters (with regard to financial accounting);
  • regionalisation.

Any questions about Piramide or Discoverer should be directed to the Service Request Manager (SRM). All other questions can be sent by email to FEZ/KT (

Policy and Operations Evaluation Department (IOB)

The objective of IOB is to increase insight into the implementation and effects of Dutch foreign policy. It meets the need for independent evaluation of policy and operations in all policy fields falling under the Homogenous Budget for International Cooperation (HGIS). The evaluations enable the ministers to account to parliament for policy and allocation of resources. More information about IOB can be found on Evaluation of foreign policy spending.

(part of the Audit and Evaluation Cluster)

Legal Affairs Department (DJZ)

DJZ deals with legal matters in all areas of law with which the Ministry is concerned. This includes drafting legislation, conducting and coordinating legal proceedings in which the Ministry is involved, representing the Kingdom of the Netherlands in European and international courts, and helping strengthen the international legal order.

DJZ also coordinates interministerial activities in the areas of European and international law and relating to the signing and approval of international agreements. In addition, it publishes international agreements and provides depositary services.

DJZ comprises:

  • European Law Division (DJZ/ER), including the Centre of Expertise on European Law (DJZ/ER/ECER)
  • International Law Division (DJZ/IR), including the Centre of Expertise on International Law (DJZ/IR/CIR)
  • Netherlands Law Division (DJZ/NR)
  • Treaties Division (DJZ/VE)

Audit Department (ACD)

ACD audits the Ministry’s financial management and provides advice in this area.

(part of the Audit and Evaluation Cluster)

Translation Department (AVT)

AVT translates into and from foreign languages for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, other ministries, certain High Councils of State, and the Royal House.

AVT comprises:

  • German Section (AVT/DU)
  • English Section (AVT/EN)
  • French Section (AVT/FN)
  • Dutch Section (AVT/NL)
  • Terminology and Documentation Section (AVT/TD)


Real Estate and Facilities Management Department (DHF)

DHF’s main tasks are to formulate and implement real estate and facility management policy. It is responsible for the new real estate policy abroad and for facility matters which are not covered by the interministerial facilities service 4FM, which serves the Ministries of Foreign Affairs (BZ), Social Affairs and Employment (SZW), Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (VROM) and Transport, Public Works and Water Management (V&W).


Security, Crisis Management and Integrity Department (VCI)

VCI develops policy and advises on security at the Ministry in The Hague and Dutch missions abroad. The Ministry's Integrity Coordinator (CCI) and Crisis Coordinator (CCC) are also part of VCI, although they have independent responsibilities. The Integrity Coordinator is the contact for integrity issues and is responsible for policy in this area. In the event of an international crisis, the Crisis Coordinator is responsible for central coordination. He also develops policy and serves as the contact for other ministries in this field.

VCI’s activities include:

  • carrying out risk analyses;
  • advising on information security;
  • increasing staff awareness of security and professional integrity issues through information and training;
  • carrying out special investigations on integrity-related matters;
  • coordinating the security screening of Ministry staff where necessary;
  • devising policy on security, crisis management and professional integrity.


Protocol and Host Country Department (DPG)

DPG is responsible for implementing government policy on the Netherlands’ role as host country for embassies and international organisations, and oversees the implementation of legislation in this area. DPG organises and assists with all state, official and working visits by heads of state and government, ministers of foreign affairs and heads of international organisations such as the UN, the EU and NATO. It is also responsible for traditional protocol matters, such as decorations and accreditations, and matters concerning the Royal House.

DPG comprises:

  • Visits and Events Division (DPG/BE)
  • the Host Nation Division (DPG/NG)

The Visits and Events Division (DPG/BE) is responsible for organising and assisting with all incoming visits by foreign dignitaries. It also organises all major ministry events, and decorations, gifts and credentials fall within its purview.

The Host Nation Division (DPG/NG) implements the Netherlands’ host nation policy and is the contact point for the roughly 100 embassies and almost 40 international organisations in the Netherlands. It is also the contact point for other central or local authorities involved in this area. DPG is responsible for the policy-based management and execution of activities relating to the diplomatic corps and international organisations, such as registering privileged persons and solving day-to-day problems. DPG/NG coordinates the procedure for the approval of career and honorary consuls and military attachés, and provides operational assistance to international organisations that are newly based in the Netherlands. DPG is also concerned with the entry into the Netherlands of suspects, defendants and witnesses travelling to the international criminal tribunals and courts in The Hague.
