Documents - Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
59 documents of Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
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Working Together on Talent
With this Agenda for Vocational education and training (VET), are originazations working to ensure that all students are able to ...
Studying at an institution for higher education in the Netherlands - Навчання у вищих навчальних закладах Нідерландів (UKR)
This leaflet contains information on studying at an institution for higher education in the Netherlands.
How is secondary vocational education (MBO) organised? - Як влаштована середня професійна освіта (МВО)? (UKR)
This leaflet contains information on secondary vocational education (MBO) in the Netherlands.
How is secondary vocational education (MBO) organised?
This leaflet contains information on secondary vocational education (MBO) in the Netherlands.
Studying at an institution for higher education in the Netherlands
This leaflet contains information on studying at an institution for higher education in the Netherlands.
How does primary education work in the Netherlands? - Як працює початкова освіта в Нідерландах? (UKR)
This brochure provides information about primary eduction in the Netherlands.
How does primary education work in the Netherlands?
This brochure provides information about primary eduction in the Netherlands.
How does secondary education work in the Netherlands? - Як працює середня освіта в Нідерландах? (UKR)
This brochure provides information about secondary education in the Netherlands.
How does secondary education work in the Netherlands?
This brochure provides information about secondary education in the Netherlands.
Government-wide strategy for effectively tackling disinformation
Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations Bruins Slot and Minister for Digitalisation Van Huffelen present the House of ...