Documents - Ministry of Education, Culture and Science

59 documents of Ministry of Education, Culture and Science

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  1. Working Together on Talent

    With this Agenda for Vocational education and training (VET), are originazations working to ensure that all students are able to ...

    Report | 14-02-2023

  2. Studying at an institution for higher education in the Netherlands - Навчання у вищих навчальних закладах Нідерландів (UKR)

    This leaflet contains information on  studying at an institution for higher education in the Netherlands.

    Publication | 06-02-2023

  3. How is secondary vocational education (MBO) organised? - Як влаштована середня професійна освіта (МВО)? (UKR)

    This leaflet contains information on secondary vocational education (MBO) in the Netherlands.

    Publication | 06-02-2023

  4. How is secondary vocational education (MBO) organised?

    This leaflet contains information on secondary vocational education (MBO) in the Netherlands.

    Publication | 06-02-2023

  5. Studying at an institution for higher education in the Netherlands

    This leaflet contains information on  studying at an institution for higher education in the Netherlands.

    Publication | 06-02-2023

  6. How does primary education work in the Netherlands? - Як працює початкова освіта в Нідерландах? (UKR)

    This brochure provides information about primary eduction in the Netherlands.

    Publication | 23-01-2023

  7. How does primary education work in the Netherlands?

    This brochure provides information about primary eduction in the Netherlands.

    Publication | 23-01-2023

  8. How does secondary education work in the Netherlands? - Як працює середня освіта в Нідерландах? (UKR)

    This brochure provides information about secondary education in the Netherlands.

    Publication | 23-01-2023

  9. How does secondary education work in the Netherlands?

    This brochure provides information about secondary education in the Netherlands.

    Publication | 23-01-2023

  10. Government-wide strategy for effectively tackling disinformation

    Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations Bruins Slot and Minister for Digitalisation Van Huffelen present the House of ...

    Parliamentary document: Letter to the Parliament | 23-12-2022