Contacting the Ministry of Economic Affairs

You can send your questions, comments or suggestions to the the Ministry of Economic Affairs by using the contact form. Your question will be dealt with by the Public Information Service of the Government of the Netherlands. You can also contact the Public Information Service by telephone.

Telephone number Public Information Service

You can call the Public Information Service on weekdays between 08.00 and 20.00:


Address for visitors

Ministry of Economic Affairs
Bezuidenhoutseweg 73
2594 AC The Hague
Telephone number: +31 70 379 89 11

Postal address

P.O. Box 20401
2500 EK The Hague
The Netherlands

Telephone complaints line for goods

For complaints about food, hygiene or consumer products call the Ministry’s Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority at 0900 0388, 24 hours a day.

Netherlands Enterprise Agency

Netherlands Enterprise Agency (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland) encourages entrepreneurs in sustainable, agrarian, innovative and international business. You can contact the Netherlands Enterprise Agency by telephone at +31 88 042 42 42, or through their website.

How to reach the Ministry of Economic Affairs

Directions to Bezuidenhoutseweg 73

By train:

Bezuidenhoutseweg 73 is a short walk (approximately 200m) from The Hague Central Station (Den Haag Centraal). Turn right out of the main station entrance onto the Bezuidenhoutseweg.

By car:

From Amsterdam / Leiden (A44 / N44): follow Den Haag Centrum. At the traffic lights turn left to Voorburg / Leidschendam. Take the first road on the right (Bezuidenhoutseweg).

From Utrecht (A12) / Rotterdam (A13) / Amsterdam (A4): at junction Prins Clausplein follow Voorburg / Den Haag. Take exit 2 Den Haag Centrum. Go straight on at next 2 traffic lights and at the third traffic light turn right (Bezuidenhoutseweg).