Meet Ed Kronenburg: Special Envoy for REAIM 2023


Artificial Intelligence, or AI: it’s now part of daily life. ‘For example, if you’re going running or cycling, you might do it wearing a smart watch. Mobile phones are also full of AI. We all use it,’ Ed Kronenburg explains.

Up to three years ago, Ed Kronenburg worked for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He is former Secretary-General, former ambassador in Paris and his last posting was as ambassador in Beijing. “Back in the Netherlands, I was pleasantly surprised when foreign minister Wopke Hoekstra asked me to become Special Envoy for the Responsible AI in the Military Domain (REAIM) Summit.”

"Responsible use of AI in the military domain, the main focus of the REAIM Summit, is absolutely fascinating. My job is to engage with governments, the business community, NGOs, civil society organisations and academia and get them involved in REAIM 2023. And we hope the users, the military, will be able to explain how all this can be applied to demystify the whole notion of artificial intelligence. To explain exactly how it’s being used and what the possibilities are."