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237 news items

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  1. Government wishes to sell shares in URENCO

    The Dutch government wishes to sell its interest in URENCO, which provides uranium enrichment services for nuclear power ...

    News item | 23-05-2013 | 16:20

  2. Teeven takes measures after Dolmatov inspectorate report

    In view of the Inspectorate for Safety and Justice report concerning Mr Dolmatov, State Secretary Teeven has immediately taken a ...

    News item | 12-04-2013 | 14:45

  3. Dutch minister of Finance makes offer for compensation due to the nationalisation of SNS REAAL

    The Dutch minister of Finance makes an offer for compensation due to the expropriation of shares and subordinated debt of SNS ...

    News item | 04-03-2013 | 12:04

  4. State of the Netherlands nationalises SNS REAAL

    The Minister of Finance, in close consultation with De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB), has nationalised SNS Reaal. Savings deposits of ...

    News item | 01-02-2013 | 09:05

  5. Patriots travel in convoy to Eemshaven

    Escorted by the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee, 2 Dutch Patriot units left for the port of Eemshaven near Delfzijl today, to be ...

    News item | 07-01-2013 | 09:46

  6. Over 60 countries step up sanctions against Syria

    Diplomats from over 60 countries are meeting in The Hague to tighten the sanctions against the Syrian regime and improve their ...

    News item | 20-09-2012 | 12:48

  7. Prime Minister to attend NATO summit in Chicago

    Prime Minister Mark Rutte will take part in the NATO summit in Chicago on 20 and 21 May, accompanied by foreign minister Uri ...

    News item | 15-05-2012 | 16:53