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237 news items

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  1. The Netherlands to become a test country for self-driving cars

    The Netherlands will become a testing ground for self-driving vehicles. As proposed by Minister Schultz van Haegen of ...

    News item | 23-01-2015 | 13:26

  2. Tax and Customs Administration to share information automatically to fight against international tax evasion

    Finance minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem signed a declaration today with 50 other countries, committing the signatories to exchange ...

    News item | 29-10-2014 | 16:38

  3. Mr Weekers concludes agreement with US to tackle tax evasion and undeclared savings

    Mr Weekers, the State Secretary of Finance, has concluded an agreement with the United States today making possible an automatic ...

    News item | 18-12-2013 | 11:46

  4. Prime Minister Rutte, Minister Ploumen and Minister Dijksma head trade mission to Indonesia

    From 20 to 22 November 2013, Prime Minister Mark Rutte will pay an official visit to Indonesia. He will be joined by Lilianne ...

    News item | 13-11-2013 | 15:24

  5. State and ING agree on sale of Alt-A portfolio

    Jeroen Dijsselbloem, Minister of Finance, and ING have agreed on the unwinding of the Illiquid Assets Back-Up Facility (IABF). ...

    News item | 01-11-2013 | 17:07

  6. Families with children in aliens detention only by exception

    Families with minor children will be placed in aliens detention only in exceptional circumstances. At present, families may be ...

    News item | 13-09-2013 | 16:47

  7. Dutch government to tackle international tax avoidance

    The Netherlands will improve tax transparency and update tax treaties with low-income countries and low middle-income countries. ...

    News item | 30-08-2013 | 16:05

  8. Dutch Central Shareholders Register Chamber of Commerce

    In tackling financial economic fraud, the central shareholders register which was announced earlier will be part of the Trade ...

    News item | 28-06-2013 | 09:09

  9. A secure Netherlands in a secure world

    Contemporary threats to our security transcend national borders and local barriers. Internal and external security have become ...

    News item | 21-06-2013 | 15:39

  10. Van Dijkhuizen Committee: lower tax rates with a very long first bracket, fewer tax deductibles and simpler benefits will lead to more jobs

    The Van Dijkhuizen Committee advises the government to opt for an improved tax system with lower rates and a very long first ...

    News item | 19-06-2013 | 16:56